Save your FREE seat for 流媒体 Connect this August. 现在注册!


In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 5 hours of video will be uploaded to YouTube. Even in an era when we've all become accustomed to reports
关于在线视频的持续增长, YouTube's January announcement that it was receiving 60 hours of video every minute, 观众每天观看10亿个视频, 足以让我们停下来吗.

更多的视频意味着更多的垃圾, 当然, but with the growth of YouTube as a distribution outlet for professional video, it's clear that an increasing amount of that video is professionally produced, 着眼于盈利. 和 that's just YouTube; the amount of video uploaded and viewed across the web and on myriad devices today is simply too large to even guesstimate. 更甚于以往, online video publishers and producers need guidance to help make sure their content cuts through the noise.

With these developments in mind, we're expanding the scope of not just the 流媒体行业资料手册 而是整个流媒体品牌. The first thing you've probably noticed is the size of the magazine in your hands. That's due not only to the support of online video product and service vendors trying to cut through the marketing noise with their advertising, 还有我们新扩展的买家指南部分, which clocks in at a whopping 74 pages in the print magazine.

在过去的 资料集, we've used the Buyer's Guide to offer deep-dives into a select few products and to present comparison results based on extensive testing
还有市场调查. This year—thanks to contributing editor Jan Ozer for the suggestion—we've decided instead to cover the entire gamut of the online video ecosystem. Though that necessarily means we've had to shorten up each Buyer's Guide, 我们已经确保每一个都包含一个功能表, 检查表, or flow chart that you can use to guide you through the purchasing process. 和 while some of the Buyer's Guides mention specific vendors and products as exemplars of particular features and services, we've stayed away from even trying to present a comprehensive list of all the vendors in a particular space Instead, we want to give you the tools you need to make your own comparisons and decisions based on your particular needs, 无论您是购买相机还是cdn.

是的,我说的是照相机. The second, and most notable, expansion is the addition of 百家乐软件app最新版下载, a new website that focuses on the needs of professional video producers and A/V crews producing live webcasts and on-demand online video. While there are several longstanding resources for video producers already in the market, none focus explicitly and exclusively on the needs of online video professionals. 百家乐软件app最新版下载将由 史蒂夫Nathans-Kelly是谁领导的? EventDV magazine to tremendous success as the only magazine for event videographers. 我和史蒂夫一起在 EMedia, 光学介质工业的贸易出版物, and am thrilled to have him join the 流媒体 team.

While there will be some overlap in coverage with StreamingMedia.com, 尤其是在编码和传递方面, 百家乐软件app最新版下载 will focus mostly on what happens before the online video producer clicks "encode." 流媒体 生产商 will also feature more video content, by way of tutorials and interviews with industry experts and online video professionals, and plenty of that content is sure to be indispensable to the readers of StreamingMedia.Com也是.

最后, the 2012 原始资料 is the first issue of 流媒体 to be available in our new iOS and 和roid app, 比以往任何时候都更容易得到所有
this 信息 and insight whenever and wherever you need it. 今年春天晚些时候,请继续关注这些应用程序.

We hope you enjoy our new endeavors as much as we've enjoyed creating them. 和, 一如既往地, 如果你觉得我们有什么地方可以做得更好, 请随时与我联系 erics@vitrincep.com.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Production capability and user experience distinguish services. If you're in the market, look to our comprehensive chart comparing Livestream, Justin.tv, Bambuser, MultiStream和Ustream.


Comparing HTTP, RTSP, and RTMP, with a dash of MPEG DASH thrown in.


No one said choosing a CDN is easy, so here's a guide to the decision-making process. 不要错过我们的大型CDN流程图.


With dozens of OVPs in the market, it's harder than ever to select the right one. 这里有一些指导方针来帮助你选择.


Your streaming server is the lifeblood of your business. 确保你选择了一个适合你需要的.


Since there's no single player that works on all devices, you've got questions to answer before you settle on one for your content.


Video indexing and metadata extraction services help viewers find the clips they want to see. 这里有一些在购买之前要问的关键问题.


从操作系统到显卡, here is all you need to know to buy the best workstation for your budget.


从格式兼容性到存储集成, here are the issues you need to consider when choosing a video editor.

Buyer's Guide: CellMux, Link-Aggregator, and Channel-Bond Devices

What to look for in cellular multiplexing devices -- perhaps the fastest growing streaming technology.


有捆绑、桌面和企业产品. 继续往下读,了解哪一种最适合你的需求.